Setbacks and Shortcomings

This was a doozy of a week. I post about being persistent, then I have almost a whole week of under-performing and overindulging. I was not nearly as diligent as I have been in weeks past. I ate fast food, I had sweets, I became lackadaisical about tracking my caloric intake, and I think worst of all I only made it to the gym two (2) times this week. To me that felt like the biggest let down or failure. On the days I did make it I found myself devoid of energy and with non-existent endurance. Overall I would say that this week was humbling and eye-opening; it was SO easy to let good efforts fall apart. Thank goodness for the people in my life who are acting as my accountability partners, and thank goodness for this blog, which acts as an additional partner. Just knowing I was going to have to write this week and talk about all of the shortcomings I had this week was weighing on me. Fortunately, despite all of the negativity I am feeling about myself and my performance, I also found it ...