Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!

My 'Birfday week' has essentially turned into two. I feel like I accidentally slipped into a rut last week and haven't climbed out. I am not eating nearly the way I was, and my gym attendance has tanked. To make matters worse, one of my accountability partners has been away on business/ preoccupied with familial responsibilities and the other lives with me and we can sway each other for bad just as easily as for good and this week we were equally swayed away from the gym. So what now? Is this it after only two months? Is this project over? Nope. This is just another challenge to overcome. This presents a new aspect of the lifestyle change: the rut or burnout, or Life Alert moment if you will. Like so many geriatric actors form the TV infomercials I have fallen and I can't seem to get up. Physically there are challenges present, but mostly, this change feels very mental/ emotional. So here's how I plan on addressing each of those issues: Physical Li...