Goal Setting and Week 1 Results

I mentioned in my previous post S.M.A.R.T. goals I am sure that most people have heard the term
before, but for those of you who haven’t, SMART goals is an acronym which stands for the following:

S - Specific
M - Measureable
A - Attainable/ Achievable
R - Relevant
T - Time-Bound

This sets the goal setter up for success. Since my goals are going to be posted here and updated
Weekly I am going to add an additional letter I like. In my world of change I am going to use SMARTT
goals. The final T being Trackable. I am a person who needs to see the evolution of effort and
progress, so when goals can be tracked and I can see what I have been doing to work towards
success, I have better commitment and results.

Now that SMARTT goals are understood, I can get to the point of that preface. I Have been thinking,
reading, thinking some more and finally settled on three goals to begin this with.

1.Engage in some form of above average- strenuousness activity for at least 30 minutes 3 days a
week for 6 weeks to establish the habit

2.Establish and follow a weekly meal plan with improved nutritional value for 6 weeks

3.Wind down and be in bed by 10pm every weekday. (Ideally weekends as well, but I'll get to that

As I progress with these goals I will provide updates, right along with my weight at the end of each post,
and I will be honest with myself when/ if I don’t meet my goals. I encourage everyone to pick an area in
their life and set some goals using the SMART model, whether they be smaller short-term goals or big,
long-term goals.

Goal 1, Physical Activity: I engaged in 4 days of moderate- high level activity. This included helping my
mother move all of her big furniture to her new house and attending the gym.

Goal 2, Eating Habits: I have been incredibly conscious of what I've been putting in my body,  I've been
tracking calories and have had almost refined  sugars or dairy. I have avoided fast food and processed
junk completely. I am focusing on high protein, fewer basic carbs, and more vegetables in my diet. I have
been getting up early, focusing on getting a healthy breakfast in before work.

Goal 2, Sleep Habits: I was in bed by 9:30-10pm every night this week. I didn't always fall asleep by 10
but I was at least trying to.

Weight: 212.4lbs Difference: -7.6lbs This was a pretty exciting number to see this week after all of the work and changes I have tried to implement. I realize that this number is based on a lot of variables, like water weight and muscle mass so I don’t expect to see drops this consistently, but after one week it was encouraging.

Measurements: I am adding these numbers for additional tracking purposes, as I said weight can be an unreliable tacking tool, so once a month I will take other measurements and see what progress has been made. (Note: These numbers were not taken at the same time as weighing in)

R - 15 1/4"
L- 14 3/4"
16 1/4"
38 1/4"
R- 25 1/4"
L- 25"
R- 16"
L- 16"


  1. Holy Cow! I’m impressed that you’re even including the measurements. It sounds like you hit nearly all your goals this last time!


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