Here At The Crossroads

I have been married now for almost two years (22 months) and I can attest that marriage can be, and in my case was bad for your health. I got married weighing in at approximately 185-190 pounds and have since packed on an additional 30-35 pounds and currently am sitting at a weight of 220. I have watched many things happen over the course of those two years. I watched my clothes all shrink, my energy levels decline, and my physical condition crumble. I find myself with joint pain, acid reflux, lack of energy, poor self esteem, et cetera, et cetera. The list goes on and on.

Clearly I don't blame marriage for my increased weight and the accompanying legion of other side effects, but I did find myself comfortable, complacent, and in a lot of ways sedentary. My food intake went up, and my energy output went way down, despite having a fairly physical job. My wife and I have had phases of ambition, we went to the gym for a good stretch of time consistently and I saw some improvement. Improvement that disappeared as soon as the gym got inconvenient. We ran a 5k at about the year mark of our marriage, and that was probably the pinnacle of our physical condition since.

So I have grown tired of watching my 'cute little belly' as my wife calls it, grow, my clothes not fitting comfortably, my mom exclaiming 'Dude, you've got man boobs!' when I wore a slightly tighter-fitting t-shirt, and mostly just being unhappy with what I feel like about myself. I owe credit to a cousin of mine whose YouTube channel I stumbled across. He is just beginning a channel about turning problems into passions, and something about the message he is sharing clicked in my brain. I decided to do something about my problem, but to make it a journey which I can share and bring others along for the ride. I plan on learning, experimenting, and trying to learn all I can about fitness, nutrition and overall self improvement. I don't expect to be perfect in this, but I expect myself to keep trying and to stick with it.

My goal to start with is vague and general - Get fit. But I plan on using the S.M.A.R.T. method for setting goals as I go and get into the swing of things. So my simple measurements as of right now are 220 lbs 29.8 BMI I will get into more specific measurements on the next post as I attempt to outline the way in which I want to tackle this project. In the meantime I will be making simple efforts to drink more water, move more, and eat less crappy foods) all in an effort to Fatty Cake Make It Shake!


  1. Way to take Action man! I can’t wait to follow you on your journey.


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